Media Strategy
Media Training
Media Placements
Crisis Communications
Editorial Board Prep
Speech Writing
Fourth Estate Strategies provides media and communications leadership to help voice your opinions and policy positions.
Our thorough understanding of the public policy world and our media experience work to highlight your issue on the national stage. We help think tanks, corporations, associations

Ensuring your message resonates with journalists and the public

Media Consultant
Public Affairs Analyst
Political Commentator
Sheri Annis
Sheri Annis is a media consultant, public affairs analyst and political commentator whose work spans from California to Washington D.C. She ensures your message resonates with editorial boards, reporters and legislators. For more than two decades, Sheri has led communications as a spokesperson for local, statewide and national issues.
As head of Fourth Estate Strategies, she provides communications strategy for high-level executives, academics and works with prominent think tanks. Her professional interests include culture, race,
When a major regulatory, legal or cultural issue is in play, you have a forceful advocate in the highest media echelons who knows most of the political and journalistic players.
She was the spokeswoman for Arnold Schwarzenegger during his first foray into politics. Her initiative work includes chief spokeswoman for California’s Proposition 227, the successful measure to eliminate California’s failed bilingual education programs and California’s Proposition 209 campaign, which eliminated race and gender-based preferences in government hiring, contracting and education.
Ms. Annis has been quoted by news outlets such as the Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post. Her television appearances include The Today Show and the major cable programs on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News, among others.
Sheri Annis received her B.A. in Law and Society from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She is a native of Los Angeles, California and resides in Chevy Chase, Maryland.